Frederick Mayberry Sr. Will (Thirty first day of July 1801)
In the name of God Amen I
Frederick Mayberry of Bedford Co. and State of Virginia feeling
very ill and weak in body
do of sound mind and disposing mind memory and understanding and
considering the many accidents and casualties
that attend a will at length and this mortal life do make and
declare this my last will and testament first and principally
recommending my immortal spirit into the hands of my great
Creator trusting through the merits of my beloved Savior
for pardon and remission of all my sins and happy admission into
the regions of bliss and Immortality and as such
Worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with I
give and dispose of the same in manner following I will
order and direct that all my debts and funeral charges shall be
paid off as soon as convenient may be after my decease
by my Executors hereinafter named
Item I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Barbarah during her
natural life full
possession of my house and building wherein I now live to be
kept in repair by my son Henry for her also my beddings
and Household and kitchen furniture and also my cattle and swine
and my mare and all my cash and credits & grain on
the plantation.
One year after my decease she
shall keep only two cows and her mare which my son Henry shall
feed and keep for her
as he does his own further I give her if need should require
twenty pounds in trade and twelve pounds in cash which is
in my son Henrys hands and if she shall not need it, it shall remain for my son Henry unpaid forever for his use.