Name:    Frieda A. (Larson) Robertson

From:  The Creighton News, Creighton, Nebraska
Date:  March 8, 1984  

Mrs. Freida A. Robertson died after a short illness at the Marshall Hospital in Placerville, Calif. on February 28.

Services were conducted by Pastor Terry Huber of the Bazile Mills Lutheran Church on Tuesday, March 6.

Freida was born west of Creighton to Fred and Anna Larson. They moved to a farm four miles east of Creighton. She became a music teacher and taught music in several towns and in Creighton.

United in marriage to Walter E. Robertson, they moved to Brunswick, where she continued teaching. Mr. Robertson was active in the automotive business in Brunswick thru 1944 and in 1945, they moved to California.

Mrs. Robertson was a member of the Lutheran Church in Placerville, Calif.

Surviving are two sons, Gerald and wife in Cameron Park, Calif. and Gordon of Pollock Pines, Calif.