Name:   Ozial Hopkins King

From:  The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Pennsylvania
Date:  Wednesday, October 27, 1909

Westfield, Oct. 23--Ozile King, an old resident of this place died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Celia Bryant in Lockwood, NY on Oct. 17. The remains were brought on the train to Phillips Station and taken to their old homestead, now owned by Devillo King, a son of the deceased, where the funeral was held on Tuesday, burial in the Riverside Cemetery, Knoxville.

He leaves 2 daughters and 5 sons- Mrs. Celia Bryant, Mrs. Electa Short, Ed, Devillo, Willard, Frank and Ward King; also 2 brothers and one sister. Had he lived until Nov. 3, he would have been 80 years old.