Name:   Alwilda M (Wood) Howard

From:  The Waterloo Daily Courier, Waterloo, Iowa
Date:  Monday, January 14, 1946

Strawberry Point -- Mrs. F. H. Howard, 86, died Friday night at Mercy Hospital in Cedar Rapids, where she was taken by ambulance Friday morning; nee Alwilda Wood, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Hervey Wood, of Strawberry Point, Oct. 2, 1859; on Feb. 12, 1901, she was married to Dr. F. H. Howard; charter member of Order of Eastern Star No. 86; charter member of E.R. PEO, a member of the Congregational church, and Royal Neighbors of America, Friendship camp #232.

Leaves husband, Dr. F. H. Howard; a step-daughter, Mrs. Ernest Young, Lyman, Neb.; a step-son, Dr. William H. Howard, Oelwein.

Funeral tentatively set for Monday afternoon, Jan. 14, at the Congregational church.