Name: Rush Reynolds Hoon
From: The Tipton Advertiser, Tipton,
Date: December 24, 1908
Rush Reynolds Hoon
After an unusually long and painful illness, the above named died at his home in
our city, Sunday evening last at eleven o'clock. Mr. Hoon was born in Tipton May
10, 1870. He was married August 10, 1892, to Miss Mary Sheets and two children
were born to this union. The boy died in infancy and the girl Leith Marguerite
remains with the mother and one sister, Miss Grace, to mourn the departure of
the husband and father.
Mr. Hoon was baptized in infancy and five years ago united with the Lutheran
church of this place at Easter and his membership therein has ever been an
earnest consistent profession. The funeral services were held from the church
Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock in charge of J. Kent Rizer, the pastor, who spoke
from I Cor. 13:12. A detail from Co. F served as pall bearers and interment was
made at the Sand Hill cemetery.