Name: Marshall Campbell
From: The Cuba Journal, Cuba, Illinois
Date: December 12, 1918
It was with genuine sorrow that the people of Cuba heard the news of the death of the Rev. Marshall Campbell, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, early last Thursday morning, death occurring about three o'clock that morning. He had been sick just ten days, but his case had been very bad from the first and little hope had been held out for his recovery. He had conducted many open air funerals for victims of influenza and pneumonia, ever since the epidemic and had even a case in his own family without taking the disease himself, but pneumonia was present from the first start of his illness.
Marshall Campbell was born October 6, 1879, at McLeansboro, Hamilton county, Illinois, and was the youngest son of James and Eleanor Campbell. His father died some years ago, but his mother still resides at McLeansboro. He has two brothers, Harry, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Frank, of Reno Nevada, and one sister, Mrs. Ruth Underwood, of McLeansboro. He was married July 21, to Ethel Large, of Longmont, Colo., who with one son, Wayne, survives him.
As soon as he was old enough he began teaching schools in the winter and attending school himself during vacation, until he felt called to the ministry. In order to better fit himself for his chosen work he entered McKendree College, Lebanon, Ill., graduating from there in 1904 with the degree of Bachelor of Science. The following year he entered Garrett Theological Seminary, graduating in 1908 with the degree of B. D. During his college and seminary career, he served as student pastor.
While at McKendree he joined the Southern Illinois Conference of Methodist Episcopal church but later transferred to the Central Illinois Conference and served the following charges: Bonfield, Stockland, Iroquois, Terre Haute and Cuba, coming here in September, 1917. Owing to the war, there was a shortage of ministers and Cuba and Smithfield stations were consolidated and a strong preacher being needed, Rev. Campbell was selected for the job. He became popular from the fist, not only with his own congregation, but with people of the city and community at large. The war activities gave him an opportunity to display his talents as a public speaker and his sound reasoning and happy humor added much to the interest of the numerous public meetings of the past year. The other pastors remarked that it was a pleasure to have a man like Mr. Campbell to work with.
With America's entry into the war he took great interest in the war work, believing in the justice of the cause, and was a liberal contributor to the various activities. When the draft age was raised, he refused to take refuge behind his ministerial exemption and was one of the first to sign the muster roll of Unit 95, Volunteer Training Corps, remarking at the time: "If men of my age are going to be needed in this fight, I want to know how to fight when the times comes." As chaplain of the company it was his sad duty to officiate at the funerals of four of Putnam township's soldiers who died during the influenza epidemic.
Along with his other abilities he was something of a financier and during his first year as pastor here succeeded in raising the money to pay off the last of the indebtedness incurred on the church property at the time it was remodeled ten years ago.
Private funeral services were held at the parsonage Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by District Superintendent C. F. W. Smith, of Galesburg, assisted by Pastor M. L. Swisher of Lewistown, and Rev. S. E. Nicholson, pastor of the Cuba Methodist Protestant church. Unit No. 95 then took charge and conducted the regulation military services at the grave with Squad No.2 of which Rev. Campbell was a member, acting as pall bearers. Burial was in Cuba cemetery.