Proved 13 Dec 1782
Witnessed by Samuel Hannah, Robert Dare, Daniel Clark; all three
witnesses died before he did. Sons David and Jonathan were
executors, but only the latter qualified as such.
Benjamin is buried at Deerfield Presbyterian Cemetery. No
tombstone. He lived and died in upper part of Deerfield
Townships, east of Sneathen's or Harris's Mill. His property
where he died was purchased by him from the West Jersey Society
on 19 March 1753 and comprised 156 acres.
Inventory made 11 Dec. 1782 by Nathan Leek and Daniel Ogden.
The estate amounted to 148 lbs.7s.11d.
He deivsed to his "son David fifty acres adjoining Joseph Peck,
Esq., to son Annias 10 acres, to son Matthias 5 acres, to son
Jonathan remained of my land when he is twenty-one years old.
If he die before then, then to my two youngest sons Annias and
Mattias. To Annias and Mattias each a lot of cedar swamp. Son
Jonathan to pay those two twenty five acres as they become of
age. To my daughter Miriam 10 acres. To my son David 5 acres.
To my daughter Abigail 25 acres. To my daughter Susannah 20
acres when she is 18 years of age. The remainder of my personal
estate to my three daughters, Miriam, Abigal, and Susannah."
Account of Jonathan Garrison, sole Executor, swon to 3 May
18784. Among the items paid for 20 Dec. 1782: Lewis James,
without doubt the sexton of the Deerfield Presbyterian Church, 5
s for digging grave. To Obadiah Caruthers for covvin 3
Five of Benjamin's children (Miriam, Rachel, Phebe, Jonathan, Abigail) were baptized in the Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church.